Congratulations on having your paper accepted at the 13th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living (ForItAAL) 2024. To ensure that you deliver a successful presentation of your work, please follow the instructions below to prepare your presentation.

Each presentation is allocated a total of 15 minutes: 12-minute presentation + a 3-minute Question and Answer (Q&A) session. It is crucial to stick to this timeframe to ensure the ForItAAL schedule runs smoothly.

The presentation must be in Microsoft PowerPoint (PPTX, PPT) or PDF format to ensure compatibility with the equipment provided at the conference venue. The material and the presentation must be in English.

The presentation must be uploaded to the share folder at least one day before the actual presentation, in the related Paper Session. If you lost the link to the shared folder, contact
On the day of the presentation:
- Arrive at your designated room at least 15 minutes before the session begins.
- Introduce yourself to the session chairs and check the audio-visual equipment.
- Bring a copy of your presentation on a USB flash drive as a backup.